ONC_Certification_HIT_2014Edition_Stacked_RGBData Exchange (MDE) Overview

Our MatchMerge Data Exchange (MDE) uses standards-based formats for exchanging data, including Continuity of Care Document (CCD)-based formats, and HL7 Versions 2 and 3.  MatchMerge translates among formats where appropriate.

HL7 Versions 2 and 3 are messaging formats that are meant for use in system-to-system communication.  Documents, on the other hand, may transmit structured data system-to-system, but also may be stored in a repository/registry, or displayed in a browser.



Vendor Name: Software Partners LLC
Certified EHR Name: MatchMerge
Certified EHR Version: 10.8
InfoGard Certification #[1]: IG-2526-14-0011
Certification Date: March 13, 2014
Classification: Modular
Practice Setting: Ambulatory
Requirements Edition: 2014
Certification Criteria: 170.314(d)(1), §170.314(d)(5), §170.314(d)(6), §170.314(d)(8), §170.314(f)(1), §170.314(f)(2), §170.314(g)(4)
Clinical Quality Measures: N/A
Additional SW Required: Java 1.5 and any Java Application Server


[1] The CMS EHR Certification ID (15 characters) may be obtained via the CHPL website for EHR products (or product combinations) that meet 100% of the CMS required criteria for Meaningful Use. Please refer to the CMS website: https://www.cms.gov/EHRIncentivePrograms/32_Attestation.asp#6.


 MDE Features

  • Human-readable Continuity of Care Document (CCD) and derived format that can be displayed in a browser
  • Lowers cost.  Bus model provides any-to-any data exchange.
  • Responds to changes in workflow.  Web service interfaces and document formats are easily accessed by simple, browser-based applications.
  • Facilitates Personal Health Records (PHR) by providing any-to-any interfaces and document formats.
  • Supports HL7 Version 2 legacy as well as document and HL7 Version 3 models
  • Translates among data formats
  • Standards-based
  • Supports HITSP and IHE standards

MDE Standards

Options for data sharing formats include:

  • A Clinical Document Architecture model based upon IHE’s Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) and Continuity of Care Document (CCD)
  • HL7 Version 2
  • A unifying web services interface based upon the Healthcare Services Specification Project (HSSP)

Our active contribution to Data Retrieval and Update standards:

Object Management Group (OMG):

Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE):

American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA):

Patient Care Coordination (PCC):